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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Some Media Environment!

December 1, 2009

As far as I know, I plan on becoming a journalist – a sports journalist.  The thrill of seeing your name in print – yes, it’s that nerdy a sensation – is a part of the business that never gets old, regardless of the venue in which your story finds its way to hungry readers. That being […]

A Time For Thanks

November 30, 2009

As families from SoHo to Seattle sat around their Thanksgiving tables this past holiday, thinking of the past with their minds set on the future, all were linked by a single overlying truth – the times they are a’changing.  Unendingly, I’ve written in this blog of the dessertification of traditional newspapers, the countless job cuts […]

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

November 23, 2009

“It’s the end of the world as we know it,” sang R.E.M. in their 1987 hit by the same name.  Unfortunately, newspaper offices around the country have heard this tune many more than times than they would’ve liked to.  And new updates from The Associated Press don’t help matters much. Last week, the AP reported […]

Good For Google

November 23, 2009

Google recently introduced a new system that will bring text captions to many YouTube videos, a move making the site more accessible to the deaf and hearing-impaired, according to The New York Times.  The technology will also make YouTube videos more searchable and open to broader foreign markets.  The news is appealing to advertisers, who […]

Half Just Isn’t Good Enough

November 22, 2009

Looks like Americans aren’t too thrilled about the Internet after all.  Well, at least the news component. In a recent survey, more than half of all Americans who regularly use the Internet were found to be unwilling to pay for online news, including on mobile devices.  This comes as an alarming reality for struggling print […]

Super News!

November 22, 2009

Audiences around the globe will tune in to the most spectacular of America’s sporting events when CBS airs Super Bowl XLIV on Feb. 7, 2010.  As always, the commercials will drive many to their TV sets, giving the network high ratings in an otherwise lowly media environment.  But CBS doesn’t need to wait until next […]

They’re At It Again!

November 22, 2009

Only Fox News can pull this nonsense off not once, but twice! Within the past two weeks, the conservative cable news network ran stories on two separate events – one an anti-health care rally, the other Sarah Palin’s book tour – using footage from other events! How preposterous! To think that Fox News, America’s bastion […]

Rosenblum TV vs. Patch.com

November 22, 2009

The journalism industry asks a lot of aspiring reporters, especially those looking to one day make it big – whether working for a national news network or big-market newspaper.  Showing potential employers that you’re capable of being a self-starter is a crucial skill.  In fact, it’s almost, if not equally as important as your ability […]

Shining Bright? I Don’t Think So

November 6, 2009

Starting this Monday, The San Francisco Chronicle will begin printing its editions with high-quality glossy paper, a style once used solely in magazines.  The paper’s move is the first for a general-interest daily, necessary for one of the hardest hit publications in the United States. Hoping to make the paper more visually appealing for both […]

In A “World” Of Trouble

November 5, 2009

As a diehard Mets fan, I’m conflictingly rooting for the Yanks in the World Series.  All that Subway Series nonsense is a thing of the past, in my opinion, and I’d much rather see the Bombers win their 27th title than see Philly clinch two in a row.  Especially this Philadelphia team – the squad […]